Sunday, April 15, 2012

just a little bit late

Hi,'s Ama!

Yes, it's me that is late!  You however were a little bit early!  The doctor decided you needed to enter this world a few weeks early for Mom's sake.  So you were born on September 3, 2011!  And here it is over 7 months later and I am just now starting your blog...that makes FOUR love letters for me!  I may have to combine the four into one and call it Boys Abound!  That means we have a lot of boys in our family!  You make number four grandson which is a perfect number.  There shouldn't be an odd number since both your mom and dad and Uncle Brian and Aunt Kim say two is the limit.  So Papa and I are blessed with four beautiful and healthy and absolutely perfect little Grand Boys!

So...a little bit about you, Cam!  Like Easton, you came to stay with us during the daytime when your mom had to go back to work.  You were six weeks old and a tiny little bundle!  Just a little over 6 lbs.  What a good baby you are too!  From the very first you slept, ate, played, slept, ate, played!  Well, the PLAY was very limited at first, but that routine has continued to this day.  You are now going on 7 1/2 months and doing more PLAY than SLEEP.  I must say though, you do still take good naps and have started eating 'food' that you really look forward to.  Our days are full and you are still a VERY good baby...just a good bit more active and in need of an extremely watchful eye!  You definitely keep Ama and Papa on their toes! have started to crawl this month.  It's not a 'real' crawl altogether but a kind of belly crawl with your arms and right foot!  It is so fun to watch you go after something that you have spotted on the floor which is usually something you are not really supposed to have.  And of course, when reached it goes straight to your mouth!  It is a full time job just keeping things picked up that you absolutely MUST not reach!  Easton and I are getting really good at substituting things you get hold of for something else just to keep the peace.  He is really good at sharing with you and loves playing with you, but sometimes he wants what you reach.  So he has learned to offer you something else instead.  That works out pretty well!

So, Camden, I welcome you officially to our Wood family and want you to know that you " is beautiful, you is smart, and you is loved" to quote one of my favorite characters.  Our family would not be complete without YOU!

I love you!
Your Ama